MyOAP Dashboard
User Experience, Public Service, Digital Product

To improve their digital delivery, the Ontario Autism Program wanted to create a secure web portal for families. I worked in the discovery and alpha phases as one of two Product Designers, alongside two developers and a lab leader, to create a proof of concept and to prototype some potential features.

Program background

Prior to 2019 the Ontario Autism Program offered a needs-based service, where therapy was funded in full. Funding was given to service providers who in turn kept waitlists. In 2019, as an attempt to reduce wait times, the existing program was replaced with childhood budgets, a direct funding-based program where a child would get either $20,000 or $5,000 a year. Childhood budgets were eventually replaced with interim one-time funding while the government worked to develop a new needs-based program.

User chohorts

Throughout the numerous stakeholder interviews we conducted, we saw different user cohorts emerge based on when families and individuals registered for the OAP. We then created a series of service blueprints to better understand the different in journeys, interactions with the OAP, and the processes that happened backstage to support the user (one example below).

A service blueprint detailing the experience and touchpoints a user who enrolled after April 2019 may have

Learning about users

We interviewed nine individuals, making sure to include a range of different regions in Ontario, languages, degrees of access to technology, etc. Through this, this we learned more about some commonly brought up pain points before workshopping with project managers and program analysts from the OAP to create early personas and journey maps that were updated as we validated any assumptions.

As was expected, many of the most brought up pain points, despite being incredibly valid stressors, were about the program design itself. When it came to the pain points we could meaningfully address while creating a digital product, we narrowed them down to three main issues:

The journey map(s) we created were a living breathing document that was updated as the engagement progressed and we learned more about the program and applicants. You can find an example below.

A journey map

User experience

Throughout the process of creating determining what features to dive deeper into we worked closely with internal stakeholders to make sure we were consistently assessing the feasibility of our ideas and to keep everyone in the loop. This involved holding participatory workshops where we asked stakeholders to envision the flows themselves, as well as daily check-ins and biweekly presentations.

We had to decide on what features we would design for immediately, and what features we wanted to recommend for a future state portal. The features we ended up focusing on were:

User flows for the three features we decided to focus on

User interface

Once the preliminary flows had been created we set out to design an interface that allowed for content to de displayed in the most easily understandable way possible. We continued to tweak our UI and content throughout testing sessions with users, and ultimately had over five different iterations for the interface.

Final mockups

As we went through three rounds of iterative user testing we constantly made changes to our mockups before they were further developed into prototypes by the developers on our team. While we prototyped numerous flows, those we most rigorously tested and turned into coded prototypes were:

Links to interactive figma prototypes: